I want to put the second color shade for a label text which is displaying in the black color. How I can achieve this? There is no special effects I found in the label properties.
Please see the attached sample label text (with black color as main color and Red color as its shade) about how the label should look like with another color shade.
In vb, I was creating a second label with the shadow's color, put below the original label, with slightly changed the left and top property in order to have the shadow effect. I don't know if there is something better in b4a, I just thought this might help.
"Shadowed text is created by duplicating a text label 1-3 pixels to the right and
below the top text label with a contrasting color (usually black) for the shadow."
I am able to put the shadow kind of display for label using 2 times label display in different colors with slight change in left and top positions of the label. In B4A, I think we have only the gradient color options.
How can I set the label width to fit its text width? I have a Default and Bold text with text size 10. But if I set label width as text.length * textsize, the width of the label is much more compared to actual text displayed.