B4J Question How to read json post

Pablo Torres

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Hi everyone, sorry to disturb, have been searching for days about this but havent found anything.

If I have a jserver running in (example) "https://myserverapi.com" and I send a poststring to "https://myserverapi.com?method=getcards" with the following post: {"idevento":5,"filter":"NO"}... I understand that with req.GetParameter("methhod") I obtain the value "getcards"... but how do I obtain the values 5 and "NO"?

I'm pretty sure it is a silly question, but would be great to have it answered

Many thanks


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 if req.Method.ToUpperCase = "POST" Then
         Dim data() As Byte = Bit.InputStreamToBytes(req.InputStream)
        Log(BytesToString(data, 0, data.Length, "UTF-8"))
    End If

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Similar to @jahswant 's answer, I have a function in my WebApiUtils which read the posted JSON data string into B4X Map.

Public Sub RequestData (Request As ServletRequest) As Map
    Dim data As Map
    Dim inp As InputStream = Request.InputStream
    If inp.BytesAvailable <= 0 Then
        Return data
    End If
    Dim buffer() As Byte = Bit.InputStreamToBytes(inp)
    Dim str As String = BytesToString(buffer, 0, buffer.Length, "UTF-8")
    data = str.As(JSON).ToMap
    Return data
End Sub
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Take note if you also want to read the parameter "method=getcards"

Tip about POST requests: if you want to get a URL parameter (req.GetParameter) then do it only after reading the payload, otherwise the payload will be searched for the parameter and will be lost.
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Pablo Torres

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 if req.Method.ToUpperCase = "POST" Then
         Dim data() As Byte = Bit.InputStreamToBytes(req.InputStream)
        Log(BytesToString(data, 0, data.Length, "UTF-8"))
    End If

That works! Many Thanks
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