Android Question How to read 'repeated / recurring events' of a Calendar ?


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Using Don's Library

I can now list all calendars in my phone,

and also list events of a selected calendar,

But, if a event is marked as 'repeat' monthly, say, then it is not showing for next month date range.

i.e. the above event is made in month of March with repeat 'every month', now when I see events for month April, it does not show.

How to read 'repeated events' ?
Our Forum search did not throw lights on it. Please help.




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Hmm... no reply. This must be very tough job.

I searched for it outside our Forum. Found similar query and probably an answer,

String[] projection = new String[] {
        "title", "description", "begin", "eventLocation"
String selection = "calendar_id = " + calID;
String path = "instances/when/" + (now - window) + "/" + (now + window);
String sortOrder = "begin DESC";
Cursor managedCursor = getCalendarManagedCursor(
        projection, selection, path, sortorder);

But it is Java code, I think. How can I make it B4A code ?
Any help / guide is appreciated.


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Hi @AnandGupta,

Good timing as I needed to figure that out too (I'm working on a class based on @DonManfred's thread, will post a thread when it's ready, can't promise an ETA for now).

It took me quite some time to figure it out, but this seems to work; details about recurring event instances can be found at Apparently the instances are kept in a separate database (or table), I found that out at

    Dim econ As EventConstants ' This type comes from DonManfred's GoogleCalendarClient library
    Dim ECON_INSTANCE_BEGIN As String = "begin"
    Dim ECON_INSTANCE_END As String = "end"
    Dim ECON_INSTANCE_EVENT_ID As String = "event_id"

    Dim eventInstanceProjection() As String = Array As String(econ.ID, econ.ALL_DAY, econ.AVAILABILITY, _
                                                            econ.CALENDAR_ACCESS_LEVEL, econ.DESCRIPTION, econ.DTEND, _
                                                            econ.DTSTART, econ.DURATION, econ.LOCATION, _
                                                            econ.ORGANIZER, econ.TITLE, econ.CUSTOM_APP_PACKAGE, _
                                                            econ.CUSTOM_APP_URI, econ.DISPLAY_COLOR, econ.EVENT_COLOR, _
                                                            econ.EVENT_COLOR_KEY, econ.EVENT_END_TIMEZONE, econ.EVENT_TIMEZONE, _
                                                            econ.EXDATE, econ.EXRULE, econ.RDATE, _
                                                            econ.RRULE, econ.STATUS, econ.SYNC_ID, _
                                                            econ.VISIBLE, ECON_INSTANCE_BEGIN, ECON_INSTANCE_END, _

    Dim repeatRecurringInstancesFrom As Long = DateTime.Add(DateTime.Now, 0, -1, 0) ' DateTime from
    Dim repeatRecurringInstancesTo As Long = DateTime.Add(DateTime.Now, 0, 1, 0)' DateTime to

    Dim instanceSelectionArgs() As String
    Dim instanceURI As Uri
    instanceURI.WithAppendedPath(instanceURI, repeatRecurringInstancesFrom)
    instanceURI.WithAppendedPath(instanceURI, repeatRecurringInstancesTo)
    Dim crsr As Cursor = cr.Query(instanceURI, eventInstanceProjection, "", instanceSelectionArgs, ECON_INSTANCE_EVENT_ID & " ASC")

In other words,
- the URI differs, and contains the DateTime window that is requested
- use cursor (and 'projection') columns "begin" and "end" instead of "DTstart" and "DTend" (the former 2 are relevant to instances, the latter 2 are relevant to the 'main' event entries)
- column "event_id" contains the instance's id (whereas "id" contains that of the 'main' event entry)

Hope this helps !
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Good timing as I needed to figure that out too (I'm working on a class based on @DonManfred's thread, will post a thread when it's ready, can't promise an ETA for now).
Hi @walt61 ,

Thanks a lot for your reply and advise.

As I did not receive any reply prior to yours, I understand that this is not so simple job. So take your time, no hurry.
It will eventually help other members too.

I will try your suggested code and revert.


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Hi @walt61 ,

I tried your suggested code, but no result, no error either.

Will wait for your library.

I can upload my project here, if it helps.


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Fortunately it's not something weird that happens on your device but not on mine

Replace this line in Button3_Click
Dim crsr As Cursor = cr.Query(instanceURI, eventInstanceProjection, "", instanceSelectionArgs, ECON_INSTANCE_EVENT_ID & " ASC")

With this one:
    cr.QueryAsync(instanceURI, eventInstanceProjection, econ.CALENDAR_ID & "=" & EditText1.Text, instanceSelectionArgs, ECON_INSTANCE_EVENT_ID & " ASC")

What was wrong is:
- you were expecting the async version to be used (the next line is the 'wait for' for the query completion) but were using the synchronous version from my example
- you didn't pass a value for the 'selection' parameter; the calendar id needs to be specified there

I'm getting the results now - do you see them too?
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Thanks a lot @walt61 for fixing my bug.

I missed that it was not async .

Yes it is showing results. I can move to next phase now. Thanks.

Still I will like to use your library too, when you complete it.


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