How to recognize some device properties


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Longtime User
Hi everybody!
This is my first post in the forum, first of all I'd like to thank who bring us this little "miracle" :sign0098:. I love b4a so much!
My question is about knowing some device features, like chipset and available audio codec to make my apps adapt to device... How could i do?
I used OS library, but it only make me know the instruction set or other stuff that don't suit my case...
Can anyone help me?


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Longtime User
Thank you Erel!
Unfortunally i can't find how to get this informations in java (maybe 'cause i'm not really a java genius... :sign0104:)
Maybe someone can help me to get my score in different ways...
What I need is to recognize which codecs are available in the device, to make my app adapt to it.
I could make a list of all worldwide device and make my choise by device name but I think that this is quite impossible... :eek:
Otherwise I could use chipset name. Not always same chipset = same codec, but this could simplify my job...
Is possible to get this whit OperatingSystem.Hardware?
Instead i could make a "test activity", but if the codec is not there this would crash and i don't think Users will like a lot crashing stuffs :)
Any idea is wellcome!!!:sign0163:
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Longtime User
Thank you joseluis...
There's a way to manage in b4a the error listener? Maybe this could suit my case...
I mean java's MediaRecorder.OnErrorListener and MediaPlayer.OnErrorListener...
I'm here... waiting for your wisdom :)
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