Thank you for replying, but I suspect, you didn't get my question fully:
1. I know the domain name. Let's say "".
2. This domain resolves to an ipv6 adress, let's say "x001:y002:z003:r004:s005:w006
007:t008". So this is the non static wan address of my router.
3. The ipv6 address of the host ("behind" this router) has a SLAAC adress of let's say "x001:y002:z003:r004:xxxx:yyyy:zzzz:qqqq". SLAAC means xxxx:yyyy:zzzz:qqqq is calculated out of the hosts mac-address. So it is NOT s005:w006
In order to access this host from wan, i have to know it's full address (x001:y002:z003:r004:xxxx:yyyy:zzzz:qqqq). I know it's mac address, so i can calculate xxxx:yyyy:zzzz:qqqq easily, but i still need to know x001:y002:z003:r004. The only way to get this part of the address is to dns resolve
And that's the reason why i need something like nslookup which would give me this address.