B4J Question how to run b4j app from another b4j app?


Licensed User
Longtime User
yes you are right. just saw this post from erel

it solves the issue of running another b4j app.
and about sharing data i think i will store it in a file and when the app starts it will read from it and delete it since i dont want the data to stay locally.

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Licensed User
Longtime User
It might be worth considering generating a random filename in app 1 then passing that as a parameter to app 2 , that way sneaky people won't know what name to look for.
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Licensed User
Longtime User
It might be worth considering generating a random filename in app 1 then passing that as a parameter to app 2 , that way sneaky people won't know what name to look for.
this is a very good idea, thanks!

you can use it to give parameters to the other app too.
They arrive in
AppStart (Args() As String)
the Args-Parameter(s) ;-)

great this is what i needed to know!
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Licensed User
Longtime User
It might be worth considering generating a random filename in app 1 then passing that as a parameter to app 2 , that way sneaky people won't know what name to look for.
This is the way I implemented this in one of my apps. I didn't use a random file name, but it works well. You can pass a small amount of data as a parameter but the length is limited, if you don't know how much data will need to be passed, it is easier and safer to use a file and pass the path to it.

I also used the same filename to send data back when required.
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Licensed User
Longtime User
i am saving the data to a file (random name) -> passing the path -> open the other app
other app getting the path from args() -> processing the data - deleting the file

works perfect! thanks again
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