I have a process like this
"main" activity -> press button -> "loop" activity -> load zxing barcode scanner -> loop activity etc
The loop activity automatically calls the zxing barcode scanner, the scanner returns to it, it calls it again, and repeat.
When I get back to the loop activity it can be for two reasons
- successful barcode scan from scanner activity returns to previous activity
- I was in the scanner activity and pressed the back button
Both of these fire Activity_Resume. I would like to know if I got there because of a barcode scan or because I pressed the back button. Maybe there is a way to test for this or some arguments I can get in Activity_Resume. I believe pressing the back button will destroy the zxing barcode scanner activity and maybe I can test for that?
I hope that makes sense, I'm sure it's fairly basic but I can't find what to search for
Thank you