Hello everyone, lately when I want to share a file I get an alertdialog 'want to share with...' with two options, 'Cancel' and 'Ok', in some cases I require 'Cancel' and in others 'Ok', I don't want the user to choose it, therefore I want to handle it with an intent, I have tried several unsuccessful ways, I appreciate your help.
Hola a todos, últimamente cuando deseo compartir un archivo me aparece un mensaje de alerta 'Desea compartir con...' con dos opciones, 'Cancel' y 'Ok', en algunos casos requiero 'Cancel' y en otros 'Ok', no quiero que el usuario lo escoja, por tanto quiero manejarlo con un intent, he intentado de varias maneras sin éxito, les agradezco su ayuda.
Dim TipoEvento As String
Dim Evento As JavaObject = Event
Dim paquete As String = Evento.RunMethod("getPackageName", Array As Object())
TipoEvento = Evento.RunMethod("getEventType", Array As Object())
Log("TipoEvento: "& TipoEvento)
For Each item As String In mylist
If success = False Then
'here I need to intercept the alertdialog to choose an option
acs.PerformGlobalAction(AccServConstants.ACTION_CLICK) 'it does not work
acs.delay(2000) '2500
success = acs.PerformNodeActionOnViewWithArgs(True, "com.agrotc",AccServConstants.ACTION_CLICK, Null)
Else if success = True And lastbackout = False Then
End If