Android Question How to send MMS not matter if built-in or Hangout's app is used?


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I am trying to create an app that sends an MMS message.

Since it appears you can not programmically send an MMS message, it needs to use the devices "default" application to do the actual sending.

So, I am using the code found at this link to invoke an Intent for the default MMS app:

But, one of my testers said that they set "Google Hangouts" to be their default SMS/MMS app. So, when my app went to do the intent launch, it popped up the [typical] "Complete action using..." prompt and google hangouts was not listed as an option, and if they instead selected the built-in SMS app, when the SMS app opened, it said "Google Hangouts is your default SMS app, so Sending Disabled in this app" or something similar to that.

So, how can I send an MMS that will use the user's selected MMS app?


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This doesn't make much sense - why would google create an app designed to replace the user's default sms/mms app, but then not support working with apps that try to invoke the .SEND intent to send an sms/mms?
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Licensed User
Longtime User
... Nope, the "FindDefaultApp" returns Null when I pass it the following Intent:

iIntent.Initialize("android.intent.action.SENDTO", "smsto:" & TelNum)
So if I can just figure out a way to get the package name of the default SMS app?

UPDATE: Found it here:

But I can't get Hangouts to accept an audio file attachment for the MMS..
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Licensed User
Longtime User
Well, it turns out Hangouts appears to not support sending a video or audio file, only images.
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