Android Question How to set Common properties [SOLVED]


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I got a nice library of Klaus for the xTableMicro.

I want to add the possiblity to set the common property Visible. How can I set a common property of a custom view?

Now I use:
'Gets or sets the xTableMicro visible
Public Sub Visible(TrueFalse As Boolean)
End Sub

It works, but like this: xxx.Visible(True)
Normally this is: xxx.Visible=True

Can someone tell me how to add this? I succeed in adding only a Public Visible as Boolean, but how to activate this on the whole view?

Kind regards,


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Public Sub setVisible(TrueFalse As Boolean)
End Sub

Public Sub getVisible As Boolean
    return mBase.Visible
End Sub

Remove this added Public Visible as Boolean, or use another name like Private mVisible.
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