You don't need to do anything special. The text size is measured in "scaled pixels" which means that it will be in the same (more or less) size on all devices. It is similar to using 'dip' units. Don't use dip units with text sizes.
I may be failing to understand the concept. Let me explain what I am looking for
I have declared all views width in respect to 100%x. User can download the app on Tablet and Phone of different density. The text size defined according to my testing device e.g. its a phone and text size defined is 14. When user installed the App on Tablet the View's size will increase then what about the text size.
you are true but to generalize the program I need to use width with respect to 100%x. Now displaying text is a problem on larger device. defined text size w.r.t larger device is very small. Anything dynamically or through Manifest which can sort out my problem of calculating text size according to device density or size