Perhaps it is useful to be a little more concrete about what the nonlinear equation problem exactly is, how the result should be presented and what you have or have not achieved yourself. Claus's xChart Class and b4xlib can display very slick graphical results.
run a loop where lamda is changed in small increments (not including lamda <= 0):
res = 1/sqrt(lamda) - 2*logarithm(sqrt(lamda)-0.8))
when res is close enough to zero - log lamda and exit.
You can use the newton-raphson algorithm but you need to know the derivative and an initial approximation.
If the derived function is correct it would be something like this, you could also do it with a for and set a maximum number of iterations
Sub GetLambda(Re As Double) As Double
Dim y As Double 'f(x) = 0
Dim x0 As Double = 1 'initial approach
Dim x1 As Double
Dim dx As Double 'derivative function
Dim Precision As Double = 0.0001
Dim Check As Boolean = False
Do While Check = False
y = 2 * x0 * Logarithm(Re * Sqrt(x0) - 0.8, cE) - 1
dx = 2 * Logarithm(Re * Sqrt(x0) - 0.8, cE) + 2 * x0 * Re * 1 / 2 * Power(x0, - 1 / 2) / (Re * Sqrt(x0) - 0.8)
x1 = x0 - y / dx
If Abs(x1 - x0) < Precision Then
Return x1
x0 = x1
End If
End Sub
Dim lamda As Double
Dim res As Double
Dim p As Double
For lamda = 3.6 To 10 Step 0.0001
p = Sqrt(lamda)
res = 1/p - 2*Logarithm(p-0.8,cE)
Log("lamda = " & lamda & " res = " & res)
If Abs(res) <= 0.00001 Then Exit
lamda = 4.29630000000342 res = 8.778585356983282E-5
lamda = 4.29640000000342 res = 4.426572195592726E-5
lamda = 4.2965000000034195 res = 7.469458777054072E-7
Dim greek() As Int = Array As Int(0x03B1,0x03B2,0x03B3,0x03B4,0x03B5,0x03B6,0x03B7,0x03B8,0x03B9,0x03BA,0x03BB,0x03BC,0x03BD,0x03BE,0x03BF)
Log(Chr(greek(10)) & " = " & NumberFormat2(lamda, 0, 4, 4, False))
Dim greek As String = "αβγδεζηθικλμνξοπρστυφχψωΑΒΓΔΕΖΗΘΚΛΜΝΞΟΠΡΣΤΥΦΧΨΩ"
Dim english As String = "abgdezhziklmvxoprstufcywABGDEZHIKLMVXOPRSTUFCYW"
Log(greek.charAt(english.IndexOf("l")) & " = " & NumberFormat2(lamda, 1, 4, 4, False))
Thanks for reply.
Another question, why the below code is wrong . The first line has a wave line :
Private Sub GetLambda(Reynolds As Double) As Double
Private y As Double 'f(x) = 0
Private x0 As Double = 0.0473 'initial approach
Private x1 As Double
Private dx As Double 'derivative function
Private Precision As Double = 0.0001
Private LowerBound As Double = 1E-8
Private MaxIterations As Int = 100
Private Check As Boolean = False
Do While Check = False
Private count = 1 As Int
' Let x0 , x1 = Sqrt(Lambda) , simplify iteration formula
y = 2 * x0 * Logarithm(Reynolds * x0 - 0.8, 10) - 1
dx = 2 * Logarithm(Reynolds * x0 - 0.8, 10) + 2 * x0 * Reynolds / ((Reynolds * x0 - 0.8) * Logarithm(10 , cE))
x1 = x0 - y / dx
If ( Abs(x1 - x0) < Precision Or y = LowerBound ) Then
Verify = True
Return x1
x0 = x1
End If
If ( dx = 0 Or count > MaxIterations) Then
Verify = False
Return x1
End If
End Sub
You should have a message on top of the Logs tab saying :
It is a warning, which reminds you that not all paths return a value.
But in your case it is OK, you can ignore it.
Can the Sub function return two values?
Is the syntax of the 1 , 20 , 26 line codes correct ?
La , Verify = GetLambda(Re)
Private Sub GetLambda(Reynolds As Double) As Double
Private y As Double 'f(x) = 0
Private x0 As Double = 0.0276 'initial approach
Private x1 As Double
Private dx As Double 'derivative function
Private Precision As Double = 0.0001
Private LowerBound As Double = 1E-8
Private MaxIterations As Int = 100
Private Check As Boolean = False
Do While Check = False
Private count = 1 As Int
y = 2 * x0 * Logarithm(Reynolds * Sqrt(x0) - 0.8, 10) - 1
dx = 2 * Logarithm(Reynolds * Sqrt(x0) - 0.8, 10) + Sqrt(x0) * Reynolds / ((Reynolds * Sqrt(x0) - 0.8) * Logarithm(10 , cE))
x1 = x0 - y / dx
If ( Abs(x1 - x0) < Precision Or y = LowerBound ) Then
Verify = True
Return x1 , Verify
x0 = x1
End If
If ( dx = 0 Or count > MaxIterations) Then
Verify = False
Return x1 , Verify
End If
End Sub
Another alternative which I think is more flexible and better in some situations is to use an object ...
Type result (item1 as int, item2 as double)
. . .
Sub Calculate(arg1 as double) As result
Dim r as result
. . .
r.item1 = firstValue
. . .
r.item2 = secondValue
. . .
return r
End Sub