Android Question How to stop b4a from trying to install Design apk


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I am using an POS android that is full of securities and requiers the apk to be signed with specific key

Desing9.apk is not signed with that key and I rarely use the connect design editor.

So it keeps trying every few seconds and it is a mess.

I need to make it stop installing for this device.

I have renamed the desig9.apk so it did not find and dont install, but in this case it started to drop the connecting with the b4a-bridge so I could not inject my app there.

What to do?


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Are you installing the production App from the IDE?
Can you install it from it's apk instead?
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Longtime User
The source for B4ABridge is here. There is a Sub CheckIfDesignerIsInstalled in Service1 but there are no references to it and the IDE warns it is unused so I can't immediately see how to fool the IDE that the designer is already installed.
Have you tried compiling a do nothing apk with the same package name as the designer and signing that and letting the IDE install it?
Package name is "anywheresoftware.b4a.designer"
Version code is 31
Version name is 9.50
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