Private peripheral As BlePeripheral2
peripheral.Start("10% off")
peripheral.Start("20% off")
In the codes, the advertisement was changed by calling peripheral.Start() again. Using a BLE scanner, both BLE peripherals are detected. Is there a way to 'kill off' the 1st instance of the peripheral ?
I explain in details:
I am writing an app running in Nexus5X (Android 8) and the phone is behaving like a BLE peripheral. An independent BLE central is continuously scanning for peripherals. Each time peripheral.Start() is executed, the scanner detects a new peripheral. In the codes example above, the scanner shows the existence of 2 peripherals. Other scanners also show the same.
peripheral.Start() is implemented in Service, but stopping service doesn't not change anything. When the app closes, the scanner shows 0 peripheral.
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