i have run jRDC.jar use command line with java -jar jRDC.jar,
i also make it in .bat file for easy access & execute
but i don't know How to Stop jRDC.jar process ?
Another option is to add a "kill" server handler and then call it from a browser.
Example from B4i builder:
Sub Class_Globals
Private t1 As Timer
End Sub
Public Sub Initialize
End Sub
Sub Handle(req As ServletRequest, resp As ServletResponse)
resp.Write("Killing server...")
t1.Initialize("t1", 100)
t1.Enabled = True
Log("Killing server...")
End Sub
Sub t1_tick
End Sub
Based on Erel's tutorial here: https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/killing-forgotten-java-processes.82584/#content I made this program mainly to view and kill Jar processes that are hidden (non - UI) Of course, the TableView shows both UI and non UI Jar processes. Note that you might...
i have run jRDC.jar use command line with java -jar jRDC.jar,
i also make it in .bat file for easy access & execute
but i don't know How to Stop jRDC.jar process ?
i try run this.. it is run well when use B4J as debug. But when make it an .exe file can not run.. i use B4J make stand alone .exe file.. any solution?
Based on Erel's tutorial here: https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/killing-forgotten-java-processes.82584/#content I made this program mainly to view and kill Jar processes that are hidden (non - UI) Of course, the TableView shows both UI and non UI Jar processes. Note that you might...
Based on Erel's tutorial here: https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/killing-forgotten-java-processes.82584/#content I made this program mainly to view and kill Jar processes that are hidden (non - UI) Of course, the TableView shows both UI and non UI Jar processes. Note that you might...
JarManager is the app name of my snippet to view and kill hidden java processes.
So, if I understand correctly, my snippet runs OK from the IDE, but not when it has been packaged to exe.
This problem should probably be posted on a different thread, as it has nothing to do with this thread's content.
For the record, I just did a check on my PC and JarManager runs fine on OpenJDK11, packaged wirh B4JPackager11 (standalone).
This might help if I've understood the question....
As an alternative to finding and using PID to terminate,
I use this in a batch file when I run the development server on local machine...kills everything with 'jRDC.jar' in the name.
cmd /k wmic path win32_process Where "CommandLine like '%%jRDC.jar%%'" Call Terminate
sleep 2