I'm struggling to create a background task using Tracker as a guide. I have a simple music player that we like but of course it stops when the screen goes off. Where should my Process Globals/Globals and all subs go? Particularly what happens to what was Activity_Create ?
I'm struggling to create a background task using Tracker as a guide. I have a simple music player that we like but of course it stops when the screen goes off. Where should my Process Globals/Globals and all subs go? Particularly what happens to what was Activity_Create ?
I'm presuming that you can't create a background task that WILL NOT be destroyed at dome point. I'm also going to presume that you have read this tutorial from Erel???
Simple example of a foreground service that keeps the process running in the background. The current location is shown in the persistent notification. The app starts at boot and theoretically should run all the time. It also schedules itself to run with StartServiceAt. This can help in cases...
I meant the square button on the bottom beam. The user can enter and remove the application from work in the background but the service works all the time and the music is played.
Unfortunately, in this example the effect is exactly the same. The service must stop when the user uses this button and removes the application from working in the background.