How to stop the Dictionary from Showing?


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I am working on a number of EditText views that show path names - but every time the keyboard is used to modify the text, the box appears suggesting alternative words and asking whether to add them to the dictionary.
Is there a way to switch this off in the code?


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Thanks! That's what I'm looking for.
As far as searching the forum I am finding it quite frustrating. As an example, I am trying to find answers about indirect addressing, but all I seem to get back are questions about GPS systems where address has a totally different meaning.
Even in the thread you pointed me to the word Keyboard doesn't appear!

So any help is appreciated.
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Thanks everyone - this works for individual views, but can't be set in the Designer - which means I have to add an iteration routine for every single panel and activity in the application.

Is there no way to "switch it off" for all inputs until I want to "switch it on" again?
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Here is the code you need:

Sub GuyBooth_FocusChanged(Hasfocus As Boolean)
      Dim Send As EditText
      If Hasfocus=True Then
      End If
End Sub

Guybooth is the Event Name for each of the edit text boxes in question set in the designer Event Name place holder.
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