if you let me have your e-mail, I can send you a sample application including the libraries needed.
The documentation says it MIGHT work on other Windows Mobile devices as well but there are no guarantees.
As mentioned before, I have no device with a Flash so I can't test. Don't blame me if it doesn't work, if it ruins your device or if you need to make a hard-reset. The choice is yours alone if you want to test it or not.
I should also add that I believe getting the flash to work might not be easy since it is also hardware-specific (probably Motorola, HTC, Samsung and so forth have implemented their own APIs). If, however, it works against all odds, I guess you must be very careful since the flash (the lamp) has surely not been designed to remain "on" for many seconds and it might break. I mean, when I use the flash on my normal digital camera, the flash gets enabled only for a very short period of time, probably a fraction of a second.