How do i update the SQL in starter service for Samsung s10+.
The code here works in emulator (Android 9 and 10) without any problem. But my samsung S10+ (Andorid 10) will not work? The B4XTable gets updated on both android emulator and Samsung s10+, but not with Starter.SQL1 on Samsung s10+. Basically I can't update Samsung s10+ database with starter.sql1.
My codes as follow
The code here works in emulator (Android 9 and 10) without any problem. But my samsung S10+ (Andorid 10) will not work? The B4XTable gets updated on both android emulator and Samsung s10+, but not with Starter.SQL1 on Samsung s10+. Basically I can't update Samsung s10+ database with starter.sql1.
Starter.SQL1.ExecNonQuery2("UPDATE diagnosticlog SET RO = ?, Date = ?, FirstName = ?, LastName = ?, VIN = ?, Year = ?, Make = ?, Model = ?, FileName = ? WHERE rowid = ?", Array As String(WhatRo, WhatDate, WhatFirstName, WhatLastName, WhatVin, WhatYear, WhatMake, WhatModel, WhatFilename, RowId))
My codes as follow
Sub btnEdit_Click
Dim RowId As Long = GetRowId(Sender)
Dim Item As Map = B4XTable1.GetRow(RowId)
Dim WhatRo, WhatDate, WhatFirstName, WhatLastName, WhatVin, WhatYear, WhatMake, WhatModel, WhatFilename As String
'Get the b4xtable values and store it in variable
WhatRo = Item.GetDefault("RO", "")
WhatDate = Item.GetDefault("Date", "")
WhatFirstName = Item.GetDefault("First Name", "")
WhatLastName = Item.GetDefault("Last Name", "")
WhatVin = Item.GetDefault("VIN", "")
WhatYear = Item.GetDefault("Year", "")
WhatMake = Item.GetDefault("Make", "")
WhatModel = Item.GetDefault("Model", "")
WhatFilename = Item.GetDefault("File Name", "")
' Private Query As String
' Private Cursor1 As Cursor
' 'first we check if the entry already does exist
' Query = "SELECT * FROM diagnosticlog WHERE RO = ? AND Date = ? AND FirstName = ? AND LastName = ? AND VIN = ? AND Year = ? AND Make = ? AND Model = ? AND FileName = ?"
' Cursor1 = Starter.SQL1.ExecQuery2(Query, Array As String (WhatRo, WhatDate, WhatFirstName, WhatLastName, WhatVin, WhatYear, WhatMake, WhatModel, WhatFilename))
' If Cursor1.RowCount > 0 Then
' Log("yes")
' End If
'Set the maps with the coloumn values from b4xtable
Dim Options1 As Map
Options1.Put("WhatRO", WhatRo)
Options1.Put("WhatFirstName", WhatFirstName)
Options1.Put("WhatLastName", WhatLastName)
Options1.Put("WhatVin", WhatVin)
Options1.Put("WhatYear", WhatYear)
Options1.Put("WhatMake", WhatMake)
Options1.Put("WhatModel", WhatModel)
Wait For (prefdialog.ShowDialog(Options1, "OK", "CANCEL")) Complete (Result As Int)
If Result = xui.DialogResponse_Positive Then
'Get the updated maps
WhatRo = Options1.GetDefault("WhatRO", "")
WhatFirstName = Options1.GetDefault("WhatFirstName", "")
WhatLastName = Options1.GetDefault("WhatLastName", "")
WhatVin = Options1.GetDefault("WhatVin", "")
WhatYear = Options1.GetDefault("WhatYear", "")
WhatMake = Options1.GetDefault("WhatMake", "")
WhatModel = Options1.GetDefault("WhatModel", "")
'Update the Start SQL (Main one used)
Starter.SQL1.ExecNonQuery2("UPDATE diagnosticlog SET RO = ?, Date = ?, FirstName = ?, LastName = ?, VIN = ?, Year = ?, Make = ?, Model = ?, FileName = ? WHERE rowid = ?", Array As String(WhatRo, WhatDate, WhatFirstName, WhatLastName, WhatVin, WhatYear, WhatMake, WhatModel, WhatFilename, RowId))
'Update the B4xTable just for viewing only
B4XTable1.SQL1.ExecNonQuery2("UPDATE data SET c2 = ?, c3 = ?, c4 = ?, c5 = ?, c6 = ?, c7 = ?, c8 = ?, c9 = ?, c10 = ? WHERE rowid = ?", Array As String(WhatRo, WhatDate, WhatFirstName, WhatLastName, WhatVin, WhatYear, WhatMake, WhatModel, WhatFilename, RowId))
' B4XTable1.UpdateTableCounters
' Cursor1.Close
'Update the File
Dim TempFileName As String
Dim WhatPath As String
If WhatFilename.Length > 1 Then
If WhatFilename.SubString2(0,1) = "*" Then
TempFileName = WhatFilename.SubString(1)
WhatPath = File.DirRootExternal
TempFileName = WhatFilename
WhatPath = File.DirInternal
End If
End If
'Init map to file
Dim Map1 As Map
File.ReadMap2(WhatPath, Starter.DiagReportDir2 & TempFileName, Map1)
'Date and Filename cannot be changed
'Update the map with lastest info from b4xpreference
Map1.Put("Date", WhatDate)
Map1.Put("RO", WhatRo)
Map1.Put("FirstName", WhatFirstName)
Map1.Put("LastName", WhatLastName)
Map1.Put("Vin", WhatVin)
Map1.Put("Year", WhatYear)
Map1.Put("Make", WhatMake)
Map1.Put("Model", WhatModel)
'Write the updated map values to the file
If File.Exists(WhatPath, Starter.DiagReportDir2 & TempFileName) Then
File.Delete(WhatPath, Starter.DiagReportDir2 & TempFileName)
End If
File.WriteMap(WhatPath, Starter.DiagReportDir2 & TempFileName, Map1) '.cdl
End If
Msgbox2Async("The following error occurred" & Chr(10) & Chr(10) & LastException.Message, "Database Edit Error", "OK", "", "", LoadBitmap(File.DirAssets, "disclaimer.png"), True)
End Try
End Sub
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