In Erel shows the above examples - but no code to show how to produce the second and third example of the three here.
Can anyone post how this is done (other than using XUI dialogs, as opposed to xui.msgbox2async)?
' dir and fn were passed to this method...
' show a message box with result...
Msgbox2Async("File Name: "&fn&CRLF&CRLF&"Dir: "&dir, "Selected Image","DELETE","CANCEL","",Null, True)
Wait For Msgbox_Result (Result As Int)
If Result = xui.DialogResponse_Positive Then
If File.Delete(dir,fn) Then
End If
End If
In Erel shows the above examples - but no code to show how to produce the second and third example of the three here.
Can anyone post how this is done (other than using XUI dialogs, as opposed to xui.msgbox2async)?
The second one is for B4i and the third one is for B4A, i'm assuming the same code is used since you can use the same class across all three platforms.