i'm find info about it in msdn. ControlStyles - ???????????? (System.Windows.Forms)
it is very interesting (Opaque,SupportsTransparentBackColor,DoubleBuffer,OptimizedDoubleBuffer)! but how use it with door lib?
Altering these will not do much without other code changes that you can't do with Basic4ppc. It's something along the lines of
Obj1.RunMethod3("SetStyle", "Opaque", "System.Windows.Forms.ControlStyles" & Obj1.System_Windows_Forms, True, "System.Boolean")
Aspire89 ксожалению найти способ замены стилей контроллов я несмог.если чтото знаеш напиши в пм плиз.а это просто позволит использовать нсколько интересных плюшек
emm, i have error. in russian "в экземпляре не задана ссылка на обьект"
i'm try with "UserPaint", "opaque","userMouse"
and i'm try with diffrent controls...
Andrew you test it?please give me example
Sorry, you can't call it with the Door library. I've checked the documentation and noticed that it is a Protected method. The Door library can only call Public methods.