The one-week pen and paper challenge!
How well do you know B4x? Like the palm of your hand? Good!!
Here's a challenge:
Get yourself away from the computer, preferably outside. Take a piece of paper and something to write on it.
Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to create a small fully functional handwritten B4x program.
Be creative!
Submit your work once you're done.
- No "Hello World"s!
- Your program should be at least as complex as four operation calculator app.
- No calculator apps!
- If you'd like to use the designer, a second sheet of paper is allowed for this purpose alone.
- Be fair and be honest,
you may not test your code!
- Only core libraries allowed.
Choosing the winner:
- Once every participant submits their work, a poll will be created.
- The poll results winner will have a number of points equal to MAX_PARTICIPANTS
- The poll results second place will have numberOfPoints = MAX_PARTICIPANTS - 1 and so on...
- Points will be deducted for errors, bugs and non-functional code (formula to be agreed later).
- The programs with the highest score wins.
- Respect!
- [open slot for sponsors]