Android Question HowTo: Client/Server APP


Licensed User
Longtime User
Hello everyone,
i'm new at B4x programming, but i'm experienced VB developer.
I'm look for a solution to my idea:
1) A simply APP with a simply button sent GPS position to a Central Server (Via Internet connection)
2) Central server take this information, reply an ID (may be a ramdom alfanumeric string) to the APP
3) APP receive the ID, display the ID and reply "OK DONE".

I don't know how to start:
1) which kind of server I need? WebServer? Dedicated Platform? a simpy PC with win 95? (i'm jocking.... but may be not)
2) is it possible to "create" a new protocol connection for privacy and security reason?
3) can it works like a dedicated Istant Messaging (Whatsapp docet!)?

I need an help on this, and I'm looking for partner or freeland developer, some one want to join in my Project?



Licensed User
Longtime User
Thanks for your suggestion!!!!!!
Very usefull!!!!!!
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New Member
Hi there everyone. First off, I would to apologise to Ennesima for "hajacking" your thread and for this "late to party" arrival because it's an old one. Whatever; I would like to go straight to the point.

Mr. Tigrot has mentioned that something about opengts and it grabed my attention. I am totally a newbie memeber in this forum since I come by searching in google search.

I have been playing with opengts since 1 year and I'm trying to make a client application for it.

I know that it comes with json api webservice which it is very strict. I would like to build a full webservice (php api CRUD) for it in order to consume the data into the app.

Your guidance concerning this is very appreciated MR. Tigrot.

Thank you so much. Take care.
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