These tools do not write anything for you. The most you have to do by yourself. Frontpage is no longer maintained. (I used Adobe Golive years back)
I tried BlueGriffon, to me it sucks as an Editor, I can't work with that and it's nr 1 on the really an editor?
Best is to use Notepad++ and write your stuff from scratch using
You can search for HTML5Boilerplate and use that as your base template, it contains all the basic to start with an HTML website.
Even Google has a free HTML editor, but that is mainly to create Ads to implement in website. With a little effort you could write a complete homepage. It's a fantastic tool. And free.
For almost all your ideas you can find examples which you need to try. Then you learn it bit by bit.
Install Xampp on your PC also and use the developer tools in your browser on the way.