copy an example inhere as code so that I can see how the parts look.
it's just text so I don't see why it won't work with substr or regex.
Hello sorex. I seem to be making some headway. Out of 22 emails on the server today, 20 of them were properly displayed. I have spent a fair bit of time comparing the Top 30 to what comes through the Mailparser, and has been saved to a text file using the Davlik Debug Monitor. Below are some of my findings:
1. An item with encoding base64 comes through the Mailparser as a 0 byte file. This is likely a limitation of the Mailparser and something that I cannot rectify.
2. An item with encoding quoted-printable shown in the Top 30, comes through the Mailparser with a number of top lines up to “<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC” missing. This will not display. See the attachments labeled Talbots.
3. An item that shows as Multipart-Mime in the Top 30, comes through the Mailparser with a number of top lines up to “<html><head>” missing. This piece of mail still displays OK. See attachments labeled TechRepublic.
I don’t know if any of these deficiencies can be corrected, and would appreciate your thoughts.
Best regards