Bug? http bad request


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I'm finding I'm having an issue with Httputils. Seems to happen after 1000's of requests. Restarting the app seems to resolve it, unfortunately I have some widgets that run into this problem and they have to be completely re-installed, unless I wanna restart my device which I hate doing cause you never know if it will restart! (esp windows!)


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2 and no they range from mins to 30 mins. Is there a way to "reset" the httputils like after a certain number of requests cause like I said once the app is restarted it's fine and other apps running (that use httputils as well) aren't affected.

edit: other apps which use the same Web service as well aren't affected
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Yes job.release.
b4a doesn't get any specific error, just the result returns HTML stating "
<BODY><h2>Bad Request - Request Too Long</h2>
" and "
<hr><p>HTTP Error 400. The size of the request headers is too long.</p>" among-st other basic html error stuff. I don't include any other header stuff than what is sent automatically and my post data is just a basic SQL storedprocedure call so less than 100 chars.

EDIT: Miraculously my widget starting working again today. not sure if httputils reset itself somehow. I'm going to change to using a GET and see if it happens again. It will take several days to weeks to determine if that's the cause, assuming my phone doesn't get restarted.
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Erel said:
It might be related to an endless list of cookies. You can try to call StopService(HttpUtils2Service) and then start it again. It will create a new HttpClient.
Thanks. Now that I learned how to do a GET I'm switching everything to Get except one call that can and does go over the GET length limitations. I skipped over the download2 method cause it's somewhat misleading, also your original SQL tutorial used poststring. I'll also incorporate a daily "cleanse" by restarting the httputils service as a precaution. On a side note it does seem like GET's are faster, at least in my cases.
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UPDATE: Unfortunately switching to GET did not seem to resolve the issue. Same HTTP error code. Last option is to try and "cleanse" by stopping/restarting the httputilsservice everyday.


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Do you think it could have something to do with the server's timeouts? Maybe the timeouts are too high and the app's connection is never "recycled" so it just keeps compounding?


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Do you have access to the server?
If so then could you write some code to log the request headers to a file when there is an error.
Then you could take a look at that file to see exactly what these 'too long' request headers are.
