B4J Question HTTP Failed To Connect.


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In my recently released AstralCore, I noted that I am having a problem with connecting to the server app that's running on a VPS. (I can use RemoteCore to connect to the server app just fine when it's running on my machine.)

Here is the code you can use to test with the library. Don't worry, the MySQL user is a dummy user that I created so I could post the full code.
Dim TestCore As RemoteCore
TestCore.Initialize(CreateMap("AppHost":"", "CoreHost":"localhost", "CoreName":"RemoteCore", "Username":"B4X", "Password":"b4xforum!@", "EncryptionPassword":"TestPassword"))
TestCore.Put("Test 00001", "First Cloud Put", "Awesome!")

The error I receive is this:
java.net.ConnectException: Failed to connect to /
I have no idea why it's removing the "http:/".

Also my firewall is configured to allow for incoming connections to the port. (See screenshot.)

Any ideas?


  • Firewall.PNG
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