I've run into a problem - one of my programs sends an HTTP request to a server, which then responds with a text string. The string is a concatenation of several database records, and is often quite long.
One of the program's users - just one - is encountering an error when the program makes the request. Specifically, the error occurs on the line:
Response.Value = Request.GetResponse
The error message is: 'An error occurred on sub_xferdata. An error message cannot be displayed because an optional resource assembly containing it cannot be found.'
This occurs only on the device, not on the desktop (either compiled or running in the IDE).
The device in question is an HTC 8925 / AT&T Tilt. I have copied the program and all associated files to a second HTC 8925, which experienced the same problem.
I'm thinking that there must be something in the string that the server sends back - a null character, or something that doesn't show in the log files (each record sent back to the devices is logged on the server).
Has anyone encountered anything like this with the HTTP library?
One of the program's users - just one - is encountering an error when the program makes the request. Specifically, the error occurs on the line:
Response.Value = Request.GetResponse
The error message is: 'An error occurred on sub_xferdata. An error message cannot be displayed because an optional resource assembly containing it cannot be found.'
This occurs only on the device, not on the desktop (either compiled or running in the IDE).
The device in question is an HTC 8925 / AT&T Tilt. I have copied the program and all associated files to a second HTC 8925, which experienced the same problem.
I'm thinking that there must be something in the string that the server sends back - a null character, or something that doesn't show in the log files (each record sent back to the devices is logged on the server).
Has anyone encountered anything like this with the HTTP library?
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