Android Question HTTP ReturnID

Derek Jee

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Hello there

I wonder if anyone can explain the ReturnID on a HTTP request. I am assuming that it is something where I can pass a value to the job done to finalise processing. I have tried populating it but the jobdone job.ReturnID is always empty.. Am I using it correctly? I basically want to use an id which I am sending in the HTTP request in the job done.. I am using HTTPUtils2..

Many thanks,


Derek Jee

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In the JobDOne sub if you type Job. you get ReturnID in the list..

So I can populate the Job.Tag in the request code and retrieve it in the JobDone code?

Thank you Erel
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Derek Jee

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Hi Erel

I am using the HTTPUtils2 library. Oh.. can I put one? as I am using the job.tag for the status code which comes from the server..
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Derek Jee

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Thank you Erel.. I now pass a new argument with the Job.Initialise which has solved it for us..
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Derek Jee

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Are you using HttpUtils2 library? There is no ReturnID there.

ps I have a returnID in my HTTPUtils2 library.. and HTTPJob..
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