Hi there.....
I have here my code:
and this the code of vb .net created from a partner (based ony my code):
My code works ok when POS is not having locked keyboard (ticking at EFTPOS Greek IRS AADE) - not working when tick
Code of friend works ok when POS anytime (ticking at EFTPOS Greek IRS AADE) <---that i need to do with my code too...
Running the code taking the same responses... but the value/price going at locked machine when using .NET code... with my code not...
Am i having some encoding problem or something can't found - any idea ?
Going to be crazy !!!
My class is here...
I have here my code:
public Sub RequestSalesPayment(sessionId As String, terminal_id1 As String, cashregister_id As String, amount As Int, currencyCode As Int, merchantnotes As String, customernotes As String, preauthbool As String,maxInstalments As Int, tipamount As Int) As ResumableSub
If gottoken=False Then
Log($"Sorry, not having "access_token" to continue at RequestSalesPayment..."$)
Return False
End If
Private j As HttpJob
j.postString(usingurl & "transactions:sale",$"{"sessionId": "${sessionId}","terminalId": ${terminal_id1},"cashRegisterId": "${cashregister_id}","amount": ${amount.As(String)},"currencyCode": ${currencyCode.as(String)},"merchantReference": "${merchantnotes}","customerTrns": "${customernotes}","preauth": ${preauthbool},"maxInstalments": ${maxInstalments.as(String)},"tipAmount": ${tipamount.as(String)}}"$) 'amount 0.30...
j.GetRequest.SetHeader("Authorization", "Bearer " & access_token)
j.GetRequest.Setheader("Accept", "application/json")
Wait For (j) JobDone(j As HttpJob)
If j.Success=True Then
If j.GetString.Contains("detail")=True Then
Log("This SessionID already used, use other and try again.")
Return False
Log("Now you will probably check your POS after a while (because of cloud) - asking for credit/debit card.")
Return True
End If
Return False
End If
End Sub
and this the code of vb .net created from a partner (based ony my code):
Public Async Function RequestSalesPayment(sessionId As String, terminalId1 As String, cashRegisterId As String, amount As Integer, currencyCode As Integer, merchantNotes As String, customerNotes As String, preauthBool As String, maxInstallments As Integer, tipAmount As Integer) As Task(Of Boolean)
If Not _gotToken Then
Debug.WriteLine("Sorry, not having access_token to continue at RequestSalesPayment...")
Return False
End If
Dim jsonContent As String = $"{{""sessionId"": ""{sessionId}"",""terminalId"": ""{terminalId1}"",""cashRegisterId"": ""{cashRegisterId}"",""amount"": {amount},""currencyCode"": {currencyCode},""merchantReference"": ""{merchantNotes}"",""customerTrns"": ""{customerNotes}"",""preauth"": {preauthBool},""maxInstallments"": {maxInstallments},""tipAmount"": {tipAmount}}}"
Dim content As New StringContent(jsonContent, Encoding.UTF8, "application/json")
httpClient.DefaultRequestHeaders.Authorization = New Headers.AuthenticationHeaderValue("Bearer", AccessToken)
Dim response = Await httpClient.PostAsync(_usingUrl & "transactions:sale", content)
Dim result = Await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync()
If response.IsSuccessStatusCode Then
If result.Contains("detail") Then
Debug.WriteLine("This SessionID already used, use another and try again.")
Return False
Debug.WriteLine("Now you will probably check your POS after a while (because of cloud) - asking for credit/debit card.")
Return True
End If
Return False
End If
End Function
My code works ok when POS is not having locked keyboard (ticking at EFTPOS Greek IRS AADE) - not working when tick
Code of friend works ok when POS anytime (ticking at EFTPOS Greek IRS AADE) <---that i need to do with my code too...
Running the code taking the same responses... but the value/price going at locked machine when using .NET code... with my code not...
Am i having some encoding problem or something can't found - any idea ?
Going to be crazy !!!
My class is here...
VivaWallet / VivaPayment Class using CLOUD API
Hi there, I am sharing a Class created for using CLOUD API and sending "request" for paying from EFT-POS connected to VivaPayments (Viva Terminal)... For those who know - who is Viva (Virtual Bank at Greece, offers Wallet, POS, Payments, etc)... need to have Business Account... For those not...
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