Httpjob result sometimes fails so, the app executes the jobdone fail , which displays a "Network Error" message in my app. Nearly 3 of 10 executes fails so this disturbs users very much. Only way i could find was to add the executeremotequerry line which is failed to jobdone fail , so if the job fails the command is executed again. Is there any better way so that httpjob not fail or retry again without me adding the code to if fail . My vps is quite fast and quality but the jobdone fails nearly %30 of all times. Can you suggest me anything for this ?
Httpjob result sometimes fails so, the app executes the jobdone fail , which displays a "Network Error" message in my app. Nearly 3 of 10 executes fails so this disturbs users very much. Only way i could find was to add the executeremotequerry line which is failed to jobdone fail , so if the job fails the command is executed again. Is there any better way so that httpjob not fail or retry again without me adding the code to if fail . My vps is quite fast and quality but the jobdone fails nearly %30 of all times. Can you suggest me anything for this ?