I have a problem.
I have the handler
The server reads in the format '' https: // localhost / get / username / password '
Based on the data from the link, a link is downloaded that downloads from another server via httpjob. When he wants to send via resp, no result.
How to solve it?
I have a problem.
I have the handler
srvr.AddHandler ("/get/*", "link", False)
Based on the data from the link, a link is downloaded that downloads from another server via httpjob. When he wants to send via resp, no result.
How to solve it?
Sub Handle(req As ServletRequest, resp As ServletResponse)
Dim url As String = req.FullRequestURI
url = url.SubString(url.IndexOf("get/")+4)
Dim user As String = url.SubString2(0,url.IndexOf("/"))
Dim pass As String = url.SubString(url.IndexOf("/")+1)
Dim link As String = DBM.SQLSelectSingleResult("select link from table where user=? and pass=?", Array As String(user, pass))
If link.Length >10 Then
resp.Write("test1") '=> send OK
Dim j As HttpJob
j.Initialize("", Me)
Wait For (j) JobDone(j As HttpJob)
If j.Success Then
resp.Write("test2") '=> no send , webbrowser empty
Dim value As String = j.GetString
Log(value) => 'value is OK
resp.Write(value) ' => no send , webbrowser empty
End If
resp.Write("Bad :(")
End If
End Sub