Android Question HttpJob returns empty InputStream from Job.GetInputStream


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Hallo there,
I want to use the solution with HttpJob and HttpUtils2Service, which is provided as an example application by Erel.
I built a .Net-Webservice, Parameters are supplied by POST-Method.
It returns a XML-String, which will parsed with SAX-Parser.

Here ist the snippet of the modified sample code:

WebService_URL = "äge"
WebService_Parameters = "IDPflegeplan=xx"
Dim job1 As HttpJob
job1.Initialize("MyJob", Me)
job1.PostString(WebService_URL, WebService_Parameters)

End Sub

Sub JobDone (Job As HttpJob)

If Job.Success = True Then
Dim x As String
x = Job.GetString

Dim xx As InputStream
xx = Job.GetInputStream


The result as string is correct, the InputStream is empty.

Any ideas, what could be wrong?

Kind regards, Oskar


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Hallo Erel,

thank you for your quick response.

1. I set a breakpoint and watched the variable xx. The buffer is empty (all bytes are 0, see attached screenshot).
2. The parser, which gets the result from the Service returns null.


  • EmptyBuffer.jpg
    40.9 KB · Views: 335
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is there a reason to use the stream and not just the response text?

just add those values to the json structure.
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I have to pass the result to Sax-Parser and the parser expects an input stream and not a string.
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Yes, that works. Thank you.
But I'm still confused why the GetInputStream-Method fails?
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Seems to be very unlikly. Here is the code of the HttpJob-Class form Erel.

Public Sub GetInputStream As InputStream
Dim In As InputStream
In = File.OpenInput(HttpUtils2Service.TempFolder, taskId)
Return In
End Sub

GetString uses the same mechanism (which works)

Public Sub GetString2(Encoding As String) As String
Dim tr As TextReader
tr.Initialize2(File.OpenInput(HttpUtils2Service.TempFolder, taskId), Encoding)
Dim res As String
res = tr.ReadAll
Return res
End Sub
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Seems to be very unlikly. Here is the code of the HttpJob-Class form Erel.

Public Sub GetInputStream As InputStream
Dim In As InputStream
In = File.OpenInput(HttpUtils2Service.TempFolder, taskId)
Return In
End Sub

GetString uses the same mechanism (which works)

Public Sub GetString2(Encoding As String) As String
Dim tr As TextReader
tr.Initialize2(File.OpenInput(HttpUtils2Service.TempFolder, taskId), Encoding)
Dim res As String
res = tr.ReadAll
Return res
End Sub
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I have to pass the result to Sax-Parser and the parser expects an input stream and not a string.

are you using the right commands?

I always worked with the response text for xml or json parsing.
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are you using the right commands?

I always worked with the response text for xml or json parsing.

Here is my code (now with correct tags)
Dim b() As Byte
b = Job.GetString2("ISO-8859-1").GetBytes("UTF8")
Dim inStream As InputStream
inStream.InitializeFromBytesArray(b, 0, b.Length)
CallbackActivity = Job.JobName
parser.Parse (inStream, "Parser")

The only allowed type for the first Parameter of the Sax-Parser is an InputStream. How could I pass a string?
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apparently you can't but when things get more demanding the XOM one will make life a lot easier without the need to write custom parsing checks in that parse sub.
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Licensed User
Longtime User
Sorry guys and thanks for all your help. The problem was caused - as almost always - from the subject in front of the screeen
The GetInputStream-Method works well, but the content of the stream is available in the debugger AFTER setting the position to the end of the stream.
And the reason, why I didn't get any result from the parser was a typo in the call.
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Licensed User
Longtime User
apparently you can't but when things get more demanding the XOM one will make life a lot easier without the need to write custom parsing checks in that parse sub.
Hallo Sorex,

I had a closer look to your parser and it seems to be exactly what I Need to make things less complex.
But I do have one problem. I can't get things working.
I do have a Sub, which creates the XOMBuilder
Dim xml As String
xml = "<dsPMDS xmlns="""">"
xml = xml & "<BenutzerShort><Name>Sander admin</Name><Passwort>3FABD40C9AF03343E4CFDB5D4B68A8ED</Passwort><ID>9d88547f-e1f0-402e-a9f4-a6c25c827de8</ID><Kürzel>admin</Kürzel><IDBerufsstand>e969d3f5-f3ca-4c34-a4c9-b65b380601aa</IDBerufsstand></BenutzerShort>"
xml = xml & "<BenutzerShort><Name>Saglik Astrid</Name><Passwort>821D5311AA0374AACF78980388308421</Passwort><ID>1e58709d-aea4-419a-9a76-34241f4452ce</ID><Kürzel>aj</Kürzel><IDBerufsstand>00000000-0000-0000-0002-000000000001</IDBerufsstand></BenutzerShort>"
xml = xml & "<BenutzerShort><Name>Saalbach Brigitte</Name><Passwort>823EAE0D794A154B6D12B53E1296A627</Passwort><ID>1b6e88cd-6ff3-4531-800b-0af324dcab63</ID><Kürzel>bs</Kürzel><IDBerufsstand>acfb447f-d853-4701-88c7-d20bd31ffb31</IDBerufsstand></BenutzerShort>"
xml = xml & "</dsPMDS>"
Dim XOMBuilder1 As XOMBuilder
XOMBuilder1.BuildFromString(xml, "", Null)

The Parser is in the same activity
Sub XOMBuilder1_BuildDone(XOMDocument1 As XOMDocument, Tag As Object)
'Gibt die Tabelle als List of Maps zurück
   Dim xmlRows As XOMElements
   Dim xmlRow As XOMElement
   Dim xmlColumns As XOMElements
   Dim xmlColumn As XOMElement
   Dim listFromServiceUser As List
   Dim m As Map
   If XOMDocument1.IsInitialized Then
      Log("XOMDocument is initialized")
      Dim RootElement As XOMElement
      xmlRows = RootElement.GetChildElements
      Dim i, RecordCount As Int
      RecordCount = xmlRows.Size
      For i = 0 To RecordCount - 1
         xmlRow = xmlRows.GetElement(i)
         xmlColumns = xmlRow.GetChildElements
         For j = 0 To xmlColumns.Size - 1
            xmlColumn = xmlColumns.GetElement(j)
            Log(xmlColumn.LocalName & " = " & xmlColumn.Value)
            m.Put(xmlColumn.LocalName, xmlColumn.Value)

      ' XOMDocument1 will be uninitialized if an error has occurred
      Log("An error has occured and the XOMDocument has NOT been initialized")
   End If
End Sub

But the XML will not be parsed, the XOMBuilder get un-initialized. Any idea, what could be wrong?
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