I have an activity in which I load images from the web.
I take the images and add them to a horizontal scrollview
First time i works just fine, but if I fx leave the activity and go to another to view one of the images and go back the images is no longer shown.
If I go back to the previous activity and then select the same activity again, the images is no longer shown.
In my code I have this
First time the line b.Initialize2(Response.GetInputStream) works, but the second time the program just do nothing. No errors just nothing. It just stops executing the code.
I can still click buttons and so.
I hope there is a clever person who can help me and se what could be wrong!
This is all my code from the activity:
I take the images and add them to a horizontal scrollview
First time i works just fine, but if I fx leave the activity and go to another to view one of the images and go back the images is no longer shown.
If I go back to the previous activity and then select the same activity again, the images is no longer shown.
In my code I have this
Sub hc_ResponseSuccess (Response As HttpResponse, TaskId As Int)
Dim b As Bitmap
I can still click buttons and so.
I hope there is a clever person who can help me and se what could be wrong!
This is all my code from the activity:
#Region Activity Attributes
#FullScreen: False
#IncludeTitle: False
#End Region
'** Process Globals
Sub Process_Globals
'These global variables will be declared once when the application starts.
'These variables can be accessed from all modules.
End Sub
'** Globals
Sub Globals
'These global variables will be redeclared each time the activity is created.
'These variables can only be accessed from this module.
Private pnlOpgaven As Panel
Private pnlBilledeVideo As Panel
Private txtBranche As EditText
Private txtBeskrivelse As EditText
Private txtHvor As EditText
Private txtHvornaar As EditText
Private hsvBillederVideo As HorizontalScrollView
Dim BilledeVideo As Bitmap
Dim dr As ColorDrawable '** Bruges til at sætte bagrundsfarve på paneler
Dim AfgivBudJob As HttpJob
Dim URLStreng As String
Dim hc As HttpClient
Dim req As HttpRequest
'** String functions
Dim StFu As StringFunctions
Dim BilledeListe As List
Dim BilledeCounter As Int
Dim BillederBitmaps As List '** Denne indeholder de valgte billeder
Dim BillederBitmapsCounter As Int '** Denne tæller de valgte billeder
End Sub
'** Activity create
Sub Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean)
'Do not forget to load the layout file created with the visual designer. For example:
'** Show layout
dr.Initialize(Colors.White, 0)
txtBeskrivelse.Background = dr
txtBranche.Background = dr
txtHvor.Background = dr
txtHvornaar.Background = dr
'** Læg tekster ind i felterne
Dim splittedString As List
splittedString = StFu.Split(Functions.ValgtOpgave, "&")
txtBeskrivelse.Text = splittedString.Get(1)
txtBranche.Text = splittedString.Get(0)
txtHvor.Text = splittedString.Get(3)
txtHvornaar.Text = splittedString.Get(2)
Functions.ValgtTaskID = splittedString.Get(4)
'** Først gang
If FirstTime = True Then
BillederBitmapsCounter = 0
End If
'** Lav billeder og videoer
Dim BilledeVideoString As String
Dim BilledeVideoSplitted As List
Dim VideoCompareString As String
BilledeVideoString = splittedString.Get(5)
BilledeVideoSplitted = StFu.Split(BilledeVideoString, "#")
BilledeCounter = BilledeVideoSplitted.Size
'** Undersøg om den sidste er en film
VideoCompareString = BilledeVideoSplitted.Get(BilledeCounter-1)
VideoCompareString = StFu.Mid(VideoCompareString, 2, 10)
If VideoCompareString = "_movie.mov" Then
Functions.iVideo = 1
BilledeCounter = BilledeCounter - 1
'** Læg billeder og video ind
End If
'** Gem billeder i en liste
For i = 0 To BilledeCounter
'** Hent billeder
req.InitializeGet("" & BilledeListe.Get(0))
hc.Execute(req, 1)
'** Initializer HTTPJobs
AfgivBudJob.Initialize("AfgivBudJob", Me) '** Opret opgaven
End Sub
'** Activity resume
Sub Activity_Resume
End Sub
'** Activity pause
Sub Activity_Pause (UserClosed As Boolean)
End Sub
'** Navigations knapper
Sub btnAnnuller_Click
'** Spring til menu
End Sub
'** Knapper
Sub lblAfgivBud_Click
'** Spring til afgiv bud
End Sub
'** Klik på billede i scrillview
Sub ImageView_Click
Dim b As ImageView
b = Sender
Functions.iValgtBilledeIndex = b.Tag
'** Der er valgt video
If b.Tag = 999 Then
'** Kald activity med parameter
Else '** Der er valgt et billede
Functions.ValgtBillede = b.Bitmap
'** Kald activity med parameter
End If
End Sub
'** Functions
Sub AddBillederOgVideo
Dim width, offsetX, offsetY As Int
Dim rbmp As RSImageProcessing
width = 75
offsetX = 0
offsetY = 0
Dim xCount As Int = 0
'** Gennemløb billeder
For x = 0 To BillederBitmaps.Size - 1
Dim s As ImageView
s.Initialize("ImageView") 'All SuggarImgView share the same event sub
s.Color = Colors.Transparent
BilledeVideo = BillederBitmaps.Get(x) 'LoadBitmap(File.DirRootExternal, Functions.iBilleder.Get(x))
BilledeVideo = rbmp.createScaledBitmap (BilledeVideo, 75, 75, False)
BilledeVideo = rbmp.rotate(BilledeVideo, 90)
hsvBillederVideo.Panel.AddView(s,offsetX + xCount * (width+5), 0, width, width)
'** sæt index som tag
s.Tag = x
'** increment x counter
xCount = xCount + 1
hsvBillederVideo.Panel.Width = (xCount+1) * 75
'** Check om der er en video også
If Functions.iVideo = 1 Then
Dim s As ImageView
s.Initialize("ImageView") 'All SuggarImgView share the same event sub
s.Color = Colors.Transparent
BilledeVideo = LoadBitmap(File.DirAssets, "film.png")
BilledeVideo = rbmp.createScaledBitmap (BilledeVideo, 75, 75, False)
hsvBillederVideo.Panel.AddView(s,offsetX + xCount * (width+5), 0, width, width)
'** sæt index som tag
s.Tag = 999
'** increment x counter
xCount = xCount + 1
hsvBillederVideo.Panel.Width = (xCount+1) * 75
End If
End Sub
'** HTTP - Job Done
Sub JobDone(Job As HttpJob)
If Job.Success = True Then
Select Job.JobName
'** Opret opgaven
Case "AfgivBudJob"
Dim svar As String
'** Læs return svar
svar = Job.GetString
'** Find svar mellem <body> og </body>
svar = StFu.MidExtract(svar, "<body>", "</body>")
'** Split svar
Dim splittedString As List
splittedString = StFu.Split(svar, ":")
If splittedString.Get(0) == "succes" Then
End If
End Select
' internetConnectionOn = False
'Log("Error: " & Job.ErrorMessage)
'ToastMessageShow("Error: " & Job.ErrorMessage, True)
End If
End Sub
'** HttpClient events
Sub hc_ResponseSuccess (Response As HttpResponse, TaskId As Int)
Dim b As Bitmap
BillederBitmapsCounter = BillederBitmapsCounter + 1
If BillederBitmapsCounter < BilledeCounter Then
req.InitializeGet("" & BilledeListe.Get(BillederBitmapsCounter))
hc.Execute(req, 1)
BillederBitmapsCounter = 0
End If
End Sub
Sub hc_ResponseError (Response As HttpResponse, Reason As String, StatusCode As Int, TaskId As Int)
Log("Error connecting: " & Reason & " " & StatusCode)
If Response <> Null Then
End If
End Sub