HTTPUTILS Download Issue

Bill Norris

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Am sending push message to 10 devices with one single batch file. The code that executes after the message is to download a new database file from server, then send an email confirmation, which also includes the file size of the new database in the subject line. I do this so I can see that all devices have updated successfully. Most of the time, everything works fine. Occasionally, one of the devices will report a file size that is incorrect (not always the same device, I might add). The app will then crash on that device due to a database error. I am perplexed.

Bill Norris

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Not sure how to add that waiting period in the batch file. Here is the batch file.

java -cp b4a_c2dm.jar anywheresoftware.b4a.c2dm.C2DM send psstab1 "GET_DB"
java -cp b4a_c2dm.jar anywheresoftware.b4a.c2dm.C2DM send psstab2 "GET_DB"
java -cp b4a_c2dm.jar anywheresoftware.b4a.c2dm.C2DM send psstab3 "GET_DB"
java -cp b4a_c2dm.jar anywheresoftware.b4a.c2dm.C2DM send psstab4 "GET_DB"
java -cp b4a_c2dm.jar anywheresoftware.b4a.c2dm.C2DM send psstab5 "GET_DB"
java -cp b4a_c2dm.jar anywheresoftware.b4a.c2dm.C2DM send psstab6 "GET_DB"
java -cp b4a_c2dm.jar anywheresoftware.b4a.c2dm.C2DM send psstab7 "GET_DB"
java -cp b4a_c2dm.jar anywheresoftware.b4a.c2dm.C2DM send psstab8 "GET_DB"
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You don't really have to put this period in your batch file. You can, for example, program your devices to wait for a n-multiple of a predefined period, based on their 'id', using a timer at the client's side. For e.g. psstab1 no wait, psstab2 wait 1x5secs (period can be similar to the estimated download time) and so on.
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