Hi all
I've been hit my head with a small situation, the IF loop don't filter my sentence, follow:
Sub TestConnection
Dim Connect As HttpJob
Connect.Initialize("Connect", Me)
Dim txtconn As String
txtconn = "https://www.xxx.com.br/check.php?id=" & Tracker.imei
Wait For (Connect) JobDone(Connect As HttpJob)
If Connect.Success Then
Dim act As String = Connect.GetString
Log("CONN "& act)
If (act = "ok") Then
Tracker.temnet = "N: Ok"
isPRO = 0
Log("Is Ok") < ----not log
End If
If act = "okP" Then
isPRO = 1
End If
If (act = "inativo") Then
End If
End If
End Sub
I receive, "inativo, ok etc" in act variable (checking by log), but not log when match, so, cant alter value of my variables.
Can someone give me a way.
Thanks a lot.