Bug? HttpUtils2Service


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I have written a b4app that interacts with a WebService. In presence of unstable Internet connection, it happens that the program exits. Anybody knows how and if I can do something for avoiding such situation ?? (actually the problem is inside HttpUtils2.. at least apparently..). Attached is the screenshot showing the problem.. Thanks in advance..


  • bug.png
    247.5 KB · Views: 241

Douglas Farias

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sometimes i have this error too
and using http2 samples


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Hi Erel,
sorry for late answer. I was wrongly arguing that it was enough information, to see that part of the stack reproduced in the picture. Next time I will post the complete Log. Unluckily this error is rather difficult to reproduce. For example, I tried to physically disconnect the network but I got other errors related to my software.. so it should not be a brutal disconnection to produce it. I am working with a weak WiFi connection to my local network and with emulator. Next time I will save the log. Nothing else to say.

Douglas Farias

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it happens on my app sometimes when i press to stop debug
or exit app

show me this error *-*

Douglas Farias

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jajajaja yes when i have the error again i post here


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Hi Erel
I attach two files obtained copying the filtered and unfiltered log to the clipboard (right click). The filtered one shows some erros appearing in red in B4A. Nevertheless actually it is not the error I signaled before. As a matter of fact, while this latter crashed the program, the present happens rather often when I stop the debugger (just like Douglas said). I was not paying much attention to it. In fact I was thinking that an arbitrary stop of the debugger could leave some parts of HttpUtils in a condition to give error. So I was thinking that it was normal to get these errors. If not so, I hope this helps. Note that I cannot exclude that it is my code to indirectly produce the error. My app is derived from your example, working, in principle, asyncronously, just like it.
Best regards


  • logs.zip
    5.5 KB · Views: 155


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I was also thinking that this problem should arise when the debugger is stopped in a breakpoint and I force it to end (with stop or restart). As a matter of fact I was not worried by the errors appearing in red in the log, for the reason I exaplained above. In other words, the debugger stopped in a breakpoint, then, after examining the code and (probably) made corrections, I restarted it. I noticed the error almost by chance..
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