Lifestyle & Stress relief - Apps on Google Play
7 days program to remove stress and get back in shape.
Lifestyle & Stress relief - Apps on Google Play
7 days program to remove stress and get back in shape.
The idea is that we are a machine that will not do all at once ,either we can be in alimentation phase when we eat , a workout state when we produce , and a rest .
Each machine needs to be cleaned before starting to work with is again so please remind yourself that eathing 7 meals a day is not a good practice.
My story : 40 years having strugled with a painfull intolerance to gluten.
Are you a pationate about what we eat please share your story with me, being glad to hear you.
Do you have no ideas why your app are not yet downloaded here is my 3 practical advise if you are new in b4a.
- have patience with apps it may take up to 1 year before you can see any growth
- create and realease, the first time you think about success will fail
- engage with your audience ,stick with what you know best
Thank you and enjoy b4a comunity