In the ExternalStorage example
In the Sub ListView1_ItemClick there is this code fragment with a comment that I cannot see a reason for.
Is/was there a reason for not using the ExternalFile instance from ListFiles as it seems to work fine in my testing so far.
ExternalStorage - Access SD cards and USB sticks
Before we start: External storage means a real sd card or a connected mass storage USB device. This class can also be used to access the secondary storage (File.DirRootExternal). This becomes relevant with newer versions of Android that restrict direct access. It has nothing to do with runtime...
Private Sub ListView1_ItemClick (Position As Int, Value As Object)
Dim f As ExternalFile = Value
If f = UpItem Then
'The ExternalFile returned from ListFiles cannot be used directly.
'We need to first call FindFile.
f = Storage.FindFile(GetCurrentFolder, f.Name)
' ''''
End If
End Sub