Android Question I can not add AdMob


Licensed User
Longtime User
Sometimes you have to wait... Patience can be the name of the game with this. An Ad unit sometimes takes a little time to start sending and sometimes it is a bit fussy if not on WiFi

1) Is it a real device?

2) Have you checked the Admob Control Panel - it usually indicates if the Ad is active, etc...


ETA : I think the modules are Ad_ReceiveAd and Ad_FailedoReceiveAd - check that you have both of those and put some logging in or toasmessage to see if they are being fired.
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Licensed User
Longtime User
Well it's very difficult to work out what's going on from the code you've provided...

If you log in to Admob does it show the banner ad being active and serving up ads?

Is there something else that is sitting on top of the banner ad?

Have you checked AdRecieved and AdFailedToReceived?

Stepped through the execution to the point where the ad is called and loaded? Any errors or issues logged?
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Hugo de Paiva Nunes

Licensed User

I do not know what to check here: AdRecieved and AdFailedToReceived?
on the compilation, did not generate any errors ... The interstitial is perfect, the banner does not appear. Do I need to call him somehow? the interstitial i ca ll .show
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