I can not get a response from the GPS on WM6.1


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Hi friends;

I've developed a project with the GPS.DLL.
My project is working without problems on WM 5 and WM6.
But I can not get a response from the GPS on WM6.1.
Serial port is opened but not received a response from GPS device

How can I fix this problem...?


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I tried but no unstable GPSdriver.DLL.GPS signal common, is frequently lost.

iGO8 installed on same PDA, it works very performance.

However, my other project is (include GPS.DLL and Serial2.DLL) working very good.My PDA is HP 614c

What can I do, is there a newer version for GPSdriver.DLL ?

my GPSdriver version is 1.0.3251.40237


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Yes, I get the message 1.11 from gpsdriver.dll version.
No , the reception is not weak...!


GPSdriver is Before connecting the normal and data streaming...
but after a few seconds, FixType is unknown and then a few seconds links are broken from satellites
After a few minute, satellite connections are coming back and data streaming starting...


it always goes like this... :BangHead:

Pls help me, what can I do...:sign0085:


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However, my other project is (include GPS.DLL and Serial2.DLL) working very good.My PDA is HP 614c


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Thank you for your reply Agraham.It's very nice DLL and code.
my project is good running on my device (HP 614c) with GPS.DLL & Serial2.DLL.
But not responding from internal GPS on the HTC devices..!!!

Is GPSserial works on HTC devices ????


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I thought you said in post #5 and post #8 that the problem was with an HP 614c and that GPS.dll and Serial2.dll worked OK but GPSDriver.dll did not.

What HTC device does have the problem? It is likely that GPSSerial will not work on that device because of serial port incompatibility with .NET. Have you tried the GPSDriverDemo in the Samples folder? I can think of no reason why GPSDriver would not work on any device that has "External GPS" in Start -> Settings -> System so I have no suggestions to make that might help.


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I thought you said in post #5 and post #8 that the problem was with an HP 614c and that GPS.dll and Serial2.dll worked OK but GPSDriver.dll did not.

!!! GPSdriver.dll worked OK but it's not continuously, please see my post #7


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!!! GPSdriver.dll worked OK but it's not continuously, please see my post #7
I've seen your post #7. There is a communication problem as to what is happening and which devices it is happening on.

1) I assume we can ignore the HP 614c, or does it have the problem?

2) If the problem is only on an HTC device what is the device?

3) What do you mean by "GPSdriver is Before connecting the normal and data streaming..."

However, as I said before if GPSDriver doesn't work properly on a device with the "GPS External" available then I cannot think of anything that can be done to improve it.


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From the beginning ...

1- I have a GPS project with GPS.DLL and Serial2.DLL.
2- It works very well on HP614c but the project does not work on HTC devices
3- I have to use GPSdriver.dll, to solve this problem (Erel has proposed)
4- The second project includes the GPSdriver.dll
5- Second project does not work properly on the HP614c (pls see post #7)

Result : I want to develop a GPS project to work properly on all PDA devices... :sign0085:


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So the second project with GPSDriver.dll does NOT work on the HP 614c.

1) Does the second project using GPSDriver.dll work on HTC devices?

2) Have you tried the GPSDriverDemo that is in the Basic4ppc Samples folder on the HP 614c?

3) What do you mean by "GPSdriver is Before connecting the normal and data streaming..."?


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I formatted my PDA (614c).previous problems over...Thank you for your support.But I have new problem...

I'm using GPSserial.Sealevelaltitude does not work with internal GPS, but It was working before format.
However it's normaly working with external (Bluetooth) GPS.


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GPSserial.Sealevelaltitude does not work
Sigh!, yet again everyone. Saying that something "does not work" is no help at all in identifying what might be wrong. Please describe in what way it does "not work" or we can't help.

In this case I guess you are either seeing 0 or -9999 but you don't say which. If you are seeing a value of 0 and it is working on a Bluetooth GPS then I can only assume that your internal GPS is not returning that data despite you thinking that it did before.

If you are seeing -9999 then there would appear to be a formatting error in the GPGGA sentence returned from the GPS.

In either case you can read the GPGGA sentence from the GPGGA property and check its contents.


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I'm sorry for my expression. :sign0013:

I've solved the problem with your support I used to take sealevel altitude from GPGGA property... :sign0060:

Thank you, agraham...
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