B4J Question I can play rtmp streaming in b4j


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For B4J - I think Mediaview will be ok...
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jose luis gudino

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thanks for your help.
I have tried to use the following command:

MediaView1.Source = "rtmp://":

and it throws me an error:
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a greek local tv station/streaming... that works...now
    MediaView1.Source = "https://www.hellasnet.tv/rest.live.hn/trt2/playlist.m3u8"

Sorry for asking... is that a streaming server you are running..?? maybe you must open some ports... first check with a other player... like VLC, Windows Media Player... etc..
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jose luis gudino

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Hi, thanks for taking an interest in my topic.

I am using wirecast for transmission.
and I'm transmitting from my computer.
tonight it was off
And from vlc it works correctly.

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jose luis gudino

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I have seen a solution, but it is necessary to install the vlc player, and I do not see it very convenient since the final application is for my clients

the ideal is to install a standalone application
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1st) Download 64bit VLC from https://www.videolan.org

2) Download this library of member: moster67 and any file needed (JAR, all zips, libs, sourcecode of demo)

3) Edit the source code - of his demo and replace these subs with:

Sub btnPlay_Action
Sub btnPlay_Action
    'If MediaFile <> "" Or MediaFile.Length > 0 Then
    '    Log("no media file selected")
    'End If
End Sub

sub StopAndPlayMedia
Sub StopAndPlayMedia
    If vlc.IsPlaying Then
    End If
    VolLevel = 50
    'Note: you can also play streaming media sources
End Sub

..just hit "Play"...
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jose luis gudino

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Thank you!!!!
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jose luis gudino

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the solution was to install a library on the server in which the source of the
origin is rtmp and converted to hls, using nginx and ffmpeg for
the broadcast.

From the linux command line:

ffmpeg -i ./video.mp4 -c:v libx264 -preset medium -maxrate 3000k -bufsize 6000k -vf "scale=1280:-1,format=yuv420p" -g 50 -c:a aac -b:a 128k -ac 2 -ar 44100 -f flv rtmp://

the transmission would be:

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