I need a small wifi program


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Hi guys,

I need a small program to integrate the code in my own program. It only needs to be for B4A. No other platform.

On the mainpage there must be 2 buttons :
1. to open the wifi settings Page.
2. a button to connect with the given wifi settings.

On that wifi settings page you must be able to pick a wifi, to give in the password, to set the ip to static and to change the static IP adress: It must come default with Only the 10 should be changeable with the number 5 to 10. all the rest should not be changeable.
these setting sshould be saved, or maybe just set as a networksetting in android. At least then the name of the ssid should be saved to use later for the connection button.

The button to connect, shoiuld connect with the given settings and it should also disconnect the data connection!

I have an AP connection which is without internet. Normally it gives the message that it is without internet, but the newer androids do not do this anymore but have difficulty to connect.
Also when the dataconnection is on, there is alway difficulty to connect.
So, I thought, why not handling it all from the app. But I also do not have time.

While i made the AP with an ESP, i control the IP range etc. so no problem.

I will make my own mainpage buttons in my app and Put it all in my app when it works.

I am not a rich guy but I am very interested if anybody can and wants to do this and what it will cost.