I have developed a (mostly) cross-platform app. I am pleased with that app and I wish to release it starting with B4J. If that is successful I will then release B4A and B4i versions. But I have issues that may or may not be a problem. Kindly help me address one or more of those issues.
I produce an output on a form using a canvas with drawn text. That form takes up say 40% of my screen. I only have one screen (1920 x 1080), but I want my app to look the same on "all" screen sizes. By "same" and "all" I mean I want the form to take up 40% of whatever screen it is being produced on.
To assist making it work on different size screens I find and use the screen dimensions to scale the form. So far this approach seems viable. If you disagree please suggest another approach.
Now my issues. First, how does scaling the drawn text work? If I use a font size of say 100, how do I scale that font size to "fit" on other screens? Do I just scale the font size as I do the form dimensions? But font sizes don't seem to closely couple with pixels. If I am mistaken just let me know and I will use the same scaling approach.
Then, where are the fonts that are used actually stored? I think it is on the machine that produces the form (in my case it would use windows fonts). How can I ensure that the font I use works as I want it to work on other machines? Can I distribute a font with my app and then use it instead of the machine font? Does that approach work on IOs and B4A?