Android Question I need examples


Licensed User
Longtime User
There are examples included in the B4A download as well as in the forum. Just search B4A sqlite, you can also look at the b4j examples
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Licensed User
examples of code

does a scarily suprisingly good job.

My side of the conversation, excluding pleasantries, was:

I am using the B4A programming language. It is a dialect of BASIC for Android. I have some questions about using it with Sqlite.
In B4A, when extending a single long program line over multiple text lines, please add a space and an underscore at the end of each line that continues on the next line.
How do I add a suburb to the second table, eg:
suburb name is Kilsyth
state is VIC
postcode is 3137
latitude and longitude are -37.802545 and 145.315868
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Well-Known Member
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Longtime User
Use (with or without installing it) free portable apps and add FREE DB Browser for SQLite. Create the Db and tables and look to the SQLiite create table query under Database Structure tab.

In B4A, when extending a single long program line over multiple text lines, please add a space and an underscore at the end of each line that continues on the next line.
Use smart string like $"${variableName} _
next line texts "$

How do I add a suburb to the second table, eg:
suburb name is Kilsyth
state is VIC
postcode is 3137
latitude and longitude are -37.802545 and 145.315868
Play with FREE DB Browser for SQLite under 'Execute SQL' tab and look to results under Browse Data tab and convert SQLite queries with safe parameters.
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Licensed User

I tried redoing the Grok conversation from:

to be more to your style:

but in the process, I might have learned something new (that "Array(" is possibly not same as "Array As Object(")

Then again, AI isn't always correct.

But on a positive note, I've never seen it afraid to admit when it's wrong. Unlike us "organic twits".
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