I can can not use you'r library because This error is displayed. The following libraries are missing. SRF05
and this library name Not shown in the list.
i think rSRF05 library is not correctly installed :
normally, in your PC you have a directory for libraries added as B4R :
- in this directory you have all xml files known by B4R
=> you have to add "rSRF05.xml" in this one
- in this directory, you have several sub-directory, one by library added at B4R
=> you have to add "rSRF05" directory here and this directory content will be 4 files rSRF05.h, rSFR05.cpp, SFR05.h , SFR05.cpp
i think rSRF05 library is not correctly installed :
normally, in your PC you have a directory for libraries added as B4R :
- in this directory you have all xml files known by B4R
=> you have to add "rSRF05.xml" in this one
- in this directory, you have several sub-directory, one by library added at B4R
=> you have to add "rSRF05" directory here and this directory content will be 4 files rSRF05.h, rSFR05.cpp, SFR05.h , SFR05.cpp
after a few tests on my PC, i found what is blocking with this library : in directory of libraries with xml file, we have a directory rSFR05 and a directory B4R with examples .
please to rename "B4R" directory to "B4R_examples" (or other name, or move this directory to an other place) and it will work.
if we have a directory "B4R" with xml files, it is blocking detection of libraries added by B4R.
after a few tests on my PC, i found what is blocking with this library : in directory of libraries with xml file, we have a directory rSFR05 and a directory B4R with examples .
please to rename "B4R" directory to "B4R_examples" (or other name, or move this directory to an other place) and it will work.
if we have a directory "B4R" with xml files, it is blocking detection of libraries added by