Android Question I want the second options to appear as the second options according to the choice from the first options B4XPreferenciesDialog


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I want the second options to appear as the second options according to the choice from the first options B4XPreferenciesDialog
I tried an event BeforeDialogDisplayed
and it does not work, the data is only downloaded on the first run and does not change

Private Sub PrefDialog_BeforeDialogDisplayed (Template As Object)
    PrefDialog.SetOptions("Name", NameList)

End Sub


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I want the second options to appear as the second options according to the choice from the first options B4XPreferenciesDialog
I tried an event BeforeDialogDisplayed
and it does not work, the data is only downloaded on the first run and does not change

Private Sub PrefDialog_BeforeDialogDisplayed (Template As Object)
    PrefDialog.SetOptions("Name", NameList)

End Sub
When I only try ideas about this, I tried to reload the list in each one at the event
Private Sub PrefDialog_BeforeDialogDisplayed (Template As Object)
It worked a bit but you get random in adding data to data
In these get the same data in all the option boxes

In conclusion, I tried many things in this event and did not succeed, I deleted many of them during the experiment
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I think I found some tricks that work. I will post them later after they are completed.
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I use something like this for showing differents Preferences Dialogs depending on the options you select. Maybe you can get some inspiration

Private Sub AddChecklist
    Dim mChecklist as Map
    Dim lastCalled As String = "tipo" 'We save the last pf (preference dialog) showed. The last pf showed must contain some value to stop the Do Until. In this case, a field called "site"
    Dim json_torre As Map
    Dim file_json As String
    Wait For(ShowForm(lastCalled)) Complete (Result As Int)
    Do Until ("#@" <> mChecklist.GetDefault("site", "#@") Or Result <> xui.DialogResponse_Positive) 'I use #@ as a strange string
        lastCalled = mDialogs.Get(lastCalled)
        Log(lastCalled & ".json")
        file_json = lastCalled & ".json"
        If File.Exists(File.DirAssets, file_json.ToLowerCase) Then
            Log("json file doesn't exist")
            Wait For(ShowForm(lastCalled)) Complete (Result As Int)
            B4XPages.MainPage.toast.pnl.Color = xui.Color_Green
            B4XPages.MainPage.toast.DefaultTextColor = xui.Color_White
            B4XPages.MainPage.toast.Show("This option doesn't exist yet")
            Log("Error, json not found")
            Result = xui.DialogResponse_Negative
        End If
    If Result = xui.DialogResponse_Positive Then
        Log("mChecklist: & " & mChecklist)
        Dim f As String = mChecklist.Get("Torre Modelizada") & ".json"
        If File.Exists(File.DirAssets, f.ToLowerCase) Then
            Dim s1 As String = File.ReadString(File.DirAssets, f.ToLowerCase)
            Log("s1: " & s1)
            Dim m As Map = s1.As(JSON).ToMap 'ignore
            For Each Key As String In mChecklist.Keys
                m.Put(Key, mChecklist.Get(Key))
            json_torre = m
            Log("Theres no model for this tower")
'            toast.Show("Theres no model for this tower")
            json_torre = mChecklist
        End If
        B4XPages.MainPage.SQL1.ExecNonQuery2($"INSERT INTO `cve` (`site`, `json_data`) VALUES (?,?)"$, Array As Object(mChecklist.Get("site"), json_torre.As(JSON).ToString))
        'clvChecklist.AddTextItem(mChecklist.Get("site") & " " & mChecklist.Get("tipo") & " " & mChecklist.Get("CVE"), json_torre)
        clvChecklist.Add(CreateListItem(json_torre, clvChecklist.AsView.Width, 80dip), json_torre)
    End If
End Sub

Public Sub ShowForm (pf As String) As ResumableSub
    Log("Load: " & pf & ".json")
    pfChecklist = B4XPages.MainPage.ViewsCache1.CreatePreferencesDialog(Root, pf & ".json")
    Wait For (pfChecklist.ShowDialog(mChecklist, "OK", "Cancel")) Complete (Result As Int)
    Return Result
End Sub
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I think I found some tricks that work. I will post them later after they are completed.
Simple solution but for me it did the job.
I just changed the variable NestedDialogItemIndex
from Private
to Public


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