B4A Library ICOSWorldForecast 3.50


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Thx a lot - now i understood the "system" and the whole Enchilada works fine


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I made a little code snippet for translating the english weather conditions into german.

Depending on a defined variable AppLanguage (as int) - english language is 0, german is 1 - it shows the german translation in the definded label lb4

Feel free to use and made some additional languages, too.

   If AppLanguage = "1" Then
   Select True
       Case a.CCWeatherDescription = "Sunny"
      lb4.Text = "Sonnig"
      Case a.CCWeatherDescription = "Clear"
      lb4.Text = "Klar"
       Case a.CCWeatherDescription = "Cloudy"
           lb4.Text = "Bewölkt"
      Case a.CCWeatherDescription = "Partly Cloudy"
           lb4.Text = "teilweise Bewölkt"
      Case a.CCWeatherDescription = "Snowy"
           lb4.Text = "Schnee"
      Case a.CCWeatherDescription = "Stormy"
           lb4.Text = "Sturm"
      Case a.CCWeatherDescription = "Mist"
           lb4.Text = "Dunst"
      Case a.CCWeatherDescription = "Moderate rain"
           lb4.Text = "Regen"   
      Case a.CCWeatherDescription = "Light rain"
           lb4.Text = "leichter Regen"
      Case a.CCWeatherDescription = "Moderate rain at times"
           lb4.Text = "zeitweise Schauer"
      Case a.CCWeatherDescription = "Heavy rain at times"
           lb4.Text = "zeitweise starke Schauer"
      Case a.CCWeatherDescription = "Heavy rain"
           lb4.Text = "starker Regen"
      Case a.CCWeatherDescription = "Light freezing rain"
           lb4.Text = "leichter gefrierender Regen"
      Case a.CCWeatherDescription = "Moderate OR Heavy freezing rain"
           lb4.Text = "mittlerer bis starker gefrierender Regen"
      Case a.CCWeatherDescription = "Light drizzle"
           lb4.Text = "leichter Nieselregen"
      Case a.CCWeatherDescription = "Fog"
           lb4.Text = "Nebel"
      Case a.CCWeatherDescription = "Overcast"
           lb4.Text = "Bewölkt"
      Case a.CCWeatherDescription = "Light rain shower"
           lb4.Text = "leichte Regenschauer"
      Case a.CCWeatherDescription = "Moderate OR heavy rain shower"
           lb4.Text = "mittlere bis starke Regenschauer"
      Case a.CCWeatherDescription = "Torrential rain shower"
           lb4.Text = "Sintflutartige Regenfälle !" 
      Case a.CCWeatherDescription = "Light sleet showers"
           lb4.Text = "leichte Graupelschauer"
      Case a.CCWeatherDescription = "Moderate OR heavy sleet showers"
           lb4.Text = "mittlere bis starke Graupelschauer"
      Case a.CCWeatherDescription = "Moderate OR heavy snow showers"
           lb4.Text = "mittlere bis starke Schneeschauer"
      Case a.CCWeatherDescription = "Light showers of ice pellets"
           lb4.Text = "leichte Hagelschauer"
      Case a.CCWeatherDescription = "Light snow showers"
           lb4.Text = "leichte Schneeschauer"
      Case a.CCWeatherDescription = "Moderate OR heavy showers of ice pellets"
           lb4.Text = "mittlere bis starke Hagelschauer"
      Case a.CCWeatherDescription = "Patchy light rain In area with thunder"
           lb4.Text = "leichter örtlicher Regen mit Donner"
      Case a.CCWeatherDescription = "Moderate OR heavy rain In area with thunder"
           lb4.Text = "mittlere bis starker örtlicher Regen mit Donner"
      Case a.CCWeatherDescription = "Patchy light snow In area with thunder"
           lb4.Text = "leichter örtlicher Schnee mit Donner"
      Case a.CCWeatherDescription = "Moderate OR heavy snow In area with thunder"
           lb4.Text = "mittlere bis starker örtlicher Schnee mit Donner"
      Case a.CCWeatherDescription = "Ice pellets"
           lb4.Text = "Hagel"
      Case a.CCWeatherDescription = "Heavy snow"
           lb4.Text = "starker Schnee"
      Case a.CCWeatherDescription = "Patchy heavy snow"
           lb4.Text = "teilweise starker Schnee"
      Case a.CCWeatherDescription = "Moderate snow"
           lb4.Text = "mittlerer Schnee"
      Case a.CCWeatherDescription = "Patchy moderate snow"
           lb4.Text = "teilweise mittlerer Schnee"
      Case a.CCWeatherDescription = "Light snow"
           lb4.Text = "leichter Schnee"
      Case a.CCWeatherDescription = "Patchy light snow"
           lb4.Text = "teilweise leichter Schnee"
      Case a.CCWeatherDescription = "Moderate OR heavy sleet"
           lb4.Text = "mittlerer bis starker Schnee"
      Case a.CCWeatherDescription = "Light sleet"
           lb4.Text = "leichter Schneeregen"
      Case a.CCWeatherDescription = "Patchy light rain"
           lb4.Text = "teilweise leichter Regen"
      Case a.CCWeatherDescription = "Heavy freezing drizzle"
           lb4.Text = "starker gefrierender Nieselregen"
      Case a.CCWeatherDescription = "Freezing drizzle"
           lb4.Text = "gefrierender Nieselregen"
      Case a.CCWeatherDescription = "Patchy light drizzle"
           lb4.Text = "teilweise leichter Nieselregen"
      Case a.CCWeatherDescription = "Freezing fog"
           lb4.Text = "gefrierender Nebel"
      Case a.CCWeatherDescription = "Blizzard"
           lb4.Text = "Schneesturm"
      Case a.CCWeatherDescription = "Blowing snow"
           lb4.Text = "Schneetreiben"
      Case a.CCWeatherDescription = "Thundery outbreaks In nearby"
           lb4.Text = "Gewitter in der Nähe"
      Case a.CCWeatherDescription = "Patchy freezing drizzle nearby"
           lb4.Text = "teilweise gefrierender Nieselregen in der Nähe"
      Case a.CCWeatherDescription = "Patchy sleet nearby"
           lb4.Text = "leichter Schneeregen in der Nähe"
      Case a.CCWeatherDescription = "Patchy snow nearby"
           lb4.Text = "leichter Schneefall in der Nähe"
      Case a.CCWeatherDescription = "Patchy rain nearby"
           lb4.Text = "leichter Regen in der Nähe"
   End Select
   End If

I placed this code AFTER the call of the weather sub and it works fine.


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Hi GMan thank you for the translation.

Ich spreche auch Deutsch, nicht perfekt, aber ich jetzt studiere.
I speak also German, not perfect, but I am now studying.

Manchmal mache ich Fehler. meine Grammatik ist nicht so gut.
Sometimes I make mistakes. my grammar is not so good.

Vielen Dank für deine Idee, ich hoffe, dass jemand anderes übersetzen es in andere Sprachen.
Thanks for your idea I hope someone else translate it into other languages.

I´ll do that.


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Hi lonleystar,

german is my native language and so i know: the worst is the grammatic

Therefor english is the main language of the world :sign0089:


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Hi loneleystar,

in the moment near Dortmund, between the "Ruhrgebiet" and the "Sauerland" area, but i also lived in the Netherlands and on Mallorca Island in Spain (but years ago)


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Hi loneleystar,

in the moment near Dortmund, between the "Ruhrgebiet" and the "Sauerland" area, but i also lived in the Netherlands and on Mallorca Island in Spain (but years ago)
Hi GMan,

now i living near Stuttgard, but from 1996 to 1999 i bin in Ijmuiden 20 km fro Amsterdam.


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now i living near Stuttgard,
i am very sad about that :sign0089:

About the "Schwaben" (the extra species of people who live there ) we say:
"Swabians are Scots, expelled for stinginess" :sign0089:


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The library works almost perfectly, except the day of week functions. Your demo app shows today as Monday, and tomorrow Tuesday etc. Unfortunately today is Thursday!

Can you help? If I use the library I'll definitely make a donation.

By the way, thanks for your great contributions to this forum.
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marine weather?

think expanding the library for marine weather ?

a greeting.


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Tested - works well

Is there the possibilty to get moon phases from that service ?
weatherunderground also offers an api, which i use with coding windows software.
Depending on your answer i will have a look at it - should also be possible to implement in B4A :sign0060::icon_clap:

Aha, you changed


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Hi GMan,

it is possible only in premium.

I already start building the premium weather.


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OK, then I will have a look to the Free Wunderground weather API :sign0087:


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Now TimeZoneID,GmtOffset,DstOffset,Sunrise,Sunset

Hi Guys,

I just upload the new update that now include:


lb1.Text="TimeZoneID: "&a.TimeZoneID
lb2.text="GMT: "&a.GmtOffset&" - DstOffset: "&a.DstOffset
lb3.text="SunRise: "&a.Sunrise
lb4.text="SunSet: "&a.Sunset


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TOP Job - Thx a lot :icon_clap:
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