Here is some basic4ppc code for V1 tags. It puts various parts of the tag into appropriate text boxes. Of course, in this example I have the input file hardwired but you would want to implement a more flexible file opening subroutine. This code was adapted from a VB program I wrote to maintain my library of old radio programs, so I have no need for V2 tags.
Hope this helps,
Sub ReadTag
FileIn = AppPath & "/" & "drth_1949_01_16_Romance_in_the_Roaring_Fourtie.mp3"
FileOpen (c1,FileIn,cRandom)
L = FileSize(FileIn) - 128
Itag = FileGet(C1, L,128)
Titletxt.text = SubString(Itag, 3, 30)
Artisttxt.text = SubString(Itag, 33, 30)
Albumtxt.text = SubString(Itag, 63, 25)
Monthtxt.text = SubString(Itag, 88, 3)
Daytxt.text = SubString(Itag, 91, 2)
Yeartxt.text = SubString(Itag, 93, 4)
Commenttxt.text = SubString(Itag, 97, 30)
End Sub