I also use UltraEdit (paid) for all types of text changes features like column mode, multiple line editing etc. which I need but does not exist in the B4X ide.
But I do not have complain as I think Erel has given us more or less enough features to use the ide which emphasizes more on B4X code syntax, function etc. help than on text manipulation.
I agree, of course, that the existing B4X product suite is wonderful and a remarkable accomplishment. However, this is a wishlist page, and certain wishes may be fairly easy to implement and yet have a profound impact on productivity and efficiency.
I may be wrong, but I think allowing these extended characters such as \r and \t in the search/replace dialog should be only a fairly minor adjustment to the existing IDE code, while the productivity enhancement would be substantial for many circumstances. As such, it seems a good candidate for a wishlist submission.
Imagine for example that you have a five line #if sequence for a particular build configuration and you want to introduce that sequence in 100 different subs. This can be accomplished with a simple search/replace operation instead of a workaround with a third party editor. With the existing IDE you cannot search for text that extends across multiple lines, replace a single line with multiple lines, replace multiple lines with a single line, nor make use of a leading tab character or newline character to help distinguish the search target (such as Try vs End Try, where the word Try does not distinguish, but "\tTry" is distinguishable from " Try". Many other examples are possible with the same simple principle.